The KidZone At Home
Online Fun:
All activities are either recorded by KidZone Librarians or supported by the Silas Bronson Library's KidZone
Read with Me, Mr. C.
Mr. C's virtual storytime, available any time, anywhere via YouTube.
Silas Bronson Library Youtube Channel
Summer Reading Club
Coming Summer 2021
It's All (Virtual) Fun & Games here!
Join your friends in the digital world and play the games at home you play with us in the library!
Game purchase required
Learning Fun
Need a new skill or want to brush up on a skill or learn one? Let us show you the way. Khan Academy,
The Kid's Coding Club and Typing Club will clear the path.
Online Resources
Curious about animals? Forget about that homework assignment until late at night?
Have no fear, World Book Online is here to help you on your way. (Don't forget your library card!)